"If you run into a wall, climb it, go through it or work around it"
Michael Jordan

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm"
Winston Churchill

"Life is full of surprises. Just remember that the glass is always half full and not half empty"

Monday 19 November 2012

A Journey to My First Marathon Part 17 (Final Part) - PBIM 2012

Collection Counters of Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM).

Collected my running vest and bib on Wednesday for Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM) where there is less crowd. Having to decide whether I should wear the Asics green running vest given for the marathon. Eventually prefer to wear my red running vest which I have been wearing for my long runs. I have read you should not wear new clothes  or shoes to a marathon.

Crossing your 50th birthday and running my first marathon is big milestone in life. In addition, having my long time dream vacation complete this milestone. An eventful year indeed. Now my mission is to finish this first marathon. I remember telling a guy at my gym that I am 50 years OLD and training for my first marathon. His jaw dropped and look kind of disbelieved. That a guy at 50 and wanting to run his first marathon? Or he look disbelieve that I am 50 ? I would like to take the second one though. Doesn't he knows that Life Begins at 50 ??

A quote from Dean Karnazes, “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” It is going to be my mantra for this race.
Run Like a Siput

Reach the starting point of the place at 11.30pm and was just sitting at Coffee Bean. Trying not walk around too much so as not to tired the legs since I still have 2 and half hours before starting. Met a few friends who was also going for the race. But the biggest problem is the weather. I am sweating just sitting down. Really humid weather ! It is going to be a challenge with this humidity. Going into a race with no time goal is going to be a lie. Although we are given 7 hours to finish the race. If you want to stretch your marathon ringgit, you will want to fully utilised the 7 hours. My target for first race based on my half marathon for Green Run MPSP would be to finished sub 5:30 since I did 2:23 for Green Run MPSP. I felt it will be a realistic goal.

Everywhere I am reading the people always say if this is your first marathon, your goal is to finish the race, finish strong, enjoy the race regardless of the time. So you have a good experience and probably run more races. My only anxiety for the race is DNF which stands for DID NOT FINISHED. Such a dirty word in the runner's world. Makes you nervous thinking about it. I counter this by telling myself, "TRUST YOUR TRAINING". Although I almost DNS which stands for DID NOT START after the injury from my recent Japan trip.

A quick photo for remembrance
The race starts at 2am with 3,000 marathoners and the humid weather dampen my spirit of the excitement of the race. I have learned not to look at my pace at the beginning of race and just listen to my body and run. It was bottleneck at the beginning of the race as usual. And I didn't really feel good at the first 8km of the race. It was after 8km that the running high kicks in. But that was when I have the first problem at the race. I have the pain at the shin of my left leg which I have never encountered before during my long runs. It is only 8km....and I have 34 more to run. I still try maintaining my pace until 13km. This time I cramp on my abs. Fortunately I did the rightful thing. I brought the muscle relief roll-on medication which I bought from Japan. Just have to stop and did a roll-on the shin and the abs.  Have to slow down the running and it is only 13km !!

Running up the slope of the middle span is tough but the hill running I have done on the treadmill helps a lot. Run right to the end of the bridge and a turn back to Penang. Reaching 21km and I am feeling fine except the pain on the shin of left leg which is getting bearable. The humidity on my run back is really killing. At the water station, they give out those water bottles along the way. Not a green run but very useful. I took a few mouthfuls from the bottle and just shower the rest all over my body. It really helps ! I did that 4 times along the course of the race. Another slope at the middle span on running back. Manage to do some high fives with the cheering squad from AMD showing that I am still in good spirit.

After the 10km mark, I usually take short walk breaks at the water station. This walk breaks are useful to give your legs a short rest. The only problem as you go above 21km the walk breaks can get longer and longer. I have planned before hand that I will count to 40 and I will run whether I feel like it or not and even when I am in pain.

Reaching the end of the bridge and running into the Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway at 28km. That's when I hit the WALL !! I have encountered the wall during my 30 and 32km runs. It is when you just don't think you can run anymore. And I still have 14km to go. I stop and walked about a minute or two. A thought flashes through my mind.

"The Never Give Up" thought and staying strong for the race. I wouldn't want to go back and give crappy excuses to my family and friends why I didn't finish the race. You will never want to set an example to your children to give up when the going gets tough. I pushed myself to run.

The run on the Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway is really long and there are a few slopes along the way. And that's when the 6:00 pacer caught up with me. And I just couldn't keep up with them. No wonder Andrew have told me PBIM is not the ideal race for a first marathon. There are too many steep slopes and not a flat course. When I reached the 33km at the end of the point of Dr Lim Chong Eu expressway, I know I can finished the race and within the 7 hours mark. My decision is whether I would want to do sub 6 now. I decided otherwise. I would just enjoy the rest of the race but not slowing down intentionally. I know if I pick my pace I could finished in less than 6 hours.

When I reach the 36km, a sudden emotion hits me. 8 months of training, running over 1,200km and going to finish the race. The feeling is overwhelming !! Now I understand why people can cry finishing the marathon. However, the last 5km was much tougher than I anticipated. My legs are aching. My body is aching. I have to literally run through pain to complete race. Arriving at the last 2km, the finishing point in sight. Run..run..run...Cheers from the crowd at the last 1km and finishing at 6 hours and 7 mins. I finished my first marathon !!! Not the best time I wish for. But I did it !

Dean Karnazes is right. “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”

Finisher's Medal and T-shirt

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